Just thought I'd share the cake my daughter made. She used the can buttercream icing which is a challenge to pipe, but I think it turned out quite cute. The snowman she used her marshmallow fondant recipe . She wasn't thrilled with the finished project, but it was just for us and it was very good.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
I'm so glad I went tonight. I was going to skip it because it's cold and I'm tired, but I knew there wouldn't be another good opportunity to increase my GOS check within the next two weeks so I plowed through and I'm glad I did. I have now "spent" enough for the $20 GOS plus I have a nice rebate check for the month too without spending much out of pocket. Using a giftcard helped, but really it's being refunded through the rebates so I might have spent $1 oop in the end. Therefore a profit of $19 because of the GOS!
Transaction #1
Contour $14.99
2 Welch's Sparkling $5 (forgot in van)
M5 Razor $5.99
2 Reveal Light Bulbs $5
Total $32.02
Coupons Used
Contour $14.99
Welch's $2(2)
M5 Razor In Ad $2
M5 Razor IP $3
Reveal IP $1
Rite Aid PDF $5/$25
OOP including Tax $2.03
SCR $2
Cost $.03
Transaction #2
Contour $14.99
2 Northern $5
M5 Razor $5.99
Airwick $4.99
Total $32.01
Coupons Used
M5 Razor In Ad $2
M5 Razor IP $3
Contour $14.99
Airwick $5
Rite Aid PDF $5/$25
OOP including Tax $2.02
Cost $2.02
Raincheck for Scotch Pop Up Tape :(
Giant Eagle Quick and Spendy
My main purpose for going out of town was Rite Aid, but I did want some fresh fruit for the kids, we were out of kitchen bags $5.50, and hubby wanted some lunch meat$2.50. Not a lot of coupons and an eggnog treat $3.79(thinking of Jeff). Lotion $1.50 and croutons $1.66 were my freebies after coupons. Bananas $.39/1b, Broccoli $1.25, Grapefruit $1.59 another request by Jeff, Bacon 2/$5, Sausage $3.29-$.50q (!), Ground Chuck 3lbs $1.99/lb,bread $1.99-$1.10q and Organic Apples 3lbs $4.99
Total Before Coupons:$46
Oop: $30
Savings: 35%
Earlier today Jeff wanted some OJ, kids have colds, and buns. Total a little over $4. I think I'm starting to see the pattern with Jeff. lol It's okay though when it's your hard working unselfish husband.
If you add in the pop throughout the week and quick supper that is probably another $10. So this past week total $105. Seems to be a little higher than I want, but at the same time I won't be spending much this coming week and tonight's trip should carry us through this coming week too. Also if we wanted to get technical the garbage bags come out of the household item budget. Wasn't thinking or would have purchased at Rite Aid with the "overage" instead of the Northern. lol
If you add in the pop throughout the week and quick supper that is probably another $10. So this past week total $105. Seems to be a little higher than I want, but at the same time I won't be spending much this coming week and tonight's trip should carry us through this coming week too. Also if we wanted to get technical the garbage bags come out of the household item budget. Wasn't thinking or would have purchased at Rite Aid with the "overage" instead of the Northern. lol
Friday, December 11, 2009
New LaurEss Sale!
Some things just can't wait to Mineral Monday and this is one of those things. LaurEss my favorite mineral make up is having a great sale! 35% off Minerals plus 20% off Kits, Brushes and Skincare! Here's the letter:
Thank you from all of us at LaurEss.
It is with great joy that we invite you to the LaurEss Holiday Sale. We can't thank you enough for all the support and encouragement you have given us over all the years and we wish you and your family the very best this holiday season.
You will find savings on all your LaurEss favorites this month with 35% off mineral powders and 20% off kits, skincare and brushes.
Don't forget the Lip Ease Balm for all those stockings out there. These are excellent for keeping lips protected and moist as the cold weather really takes hold.
Be sure and check out our Trios and Quads for perfectly coordinated colors that make easy gifts every woman would love.
Feed America ~Send an Ecard
Would you please help The Happy Housewife feed the hungry? It's super easy, plus she and Kraft have a gift basket giveaway to one of her readers, not that one needs an incentive to help our fellow Americans. Just go to The Happy Housewife blog and click her link to Kraft to send a free ecard. Kraft is donating 1,000,000 meals to Feeding America and the blogger with the most senders gets a $1000 for their local food pantry.
Small Sprouts Giveaway!
More 24 Hour Giveaways!
Keep checking this link to Money Saving Mom's Giveaways. Crystal has added new ones since I posted the last one. Her's has got the be the simplest to enter too if you have Twitter and/or an email address.
$20 Shopping Pass 1800FLOWERS.COM
I'm not sure how this pass will work or the stipulations, but I signed up for it just in case it will make a fabulous deal later. Thank you Becky at Nickels~n~Dimes !
Free Recipe eBooks
Crystal shared with her readers of a free ebook: Mason Jar Recipes: 34 Holiday Ideas for Gifts in a Jar
Upon following her link I found there are other free recipe ebooks plus this site looks very informational, in a fun way. Hope you find something you love.
Upon following her link I found there are other free recipe ebooks plus this site looks very informational, in a fun way. Hope you find something you love.
24 HR Giveaway ~ Money Saving Mom
Crystal once again has a 24 HR giveaway in progress. The final day to enter is tomorrow December 11 at 9am EST.
Coupon Printing Trick for Rite Aid PDF $5/$25
Increase the viewing size to 200% (this will not increase the printable size)
Click Print Icon
Choose Current View
You should end up with the coupon, about an inch shading on both sides and a few letters to the right of the coupon.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
More Free Jergens Lotion at Giant Eagle
Not only was there a
$.75/1 (SS 10/11/09)
and a
$3/2 (SS 12/6/09)
Now, thanks It's Hip 2 Save, there is a
$1.50 IP Print 2
$.75/1 (SS 10/11/09)
and a
$3/2 (SS 12/6/09)
Now, thanks It's Hip 2 Save, there is a
$1.50 IP Print 2
2 Free Olay Quench Lotions!
Woman Within Tote $2.99!
Hip2Save shared this deal with her readers and I decided to splurge on it. lol It might make a nice overnighter to go along with my Marriott gift card. Truthfully though my first thought was I wonder if it will hold my coupon binder and out the measuring tape came. Everso slightly lacking in depth for it by about 1/2 inch, but it still may work and compared to the $30 pricetag on the purse I like at Target, I bought the $2.99 from Woman Within. Okay this part is even better, but dumb bunny me didn't think of it until after I placed my order. Grrrrr
Go through ShopAtHome! Please sign up under my name if you're not signed up already. All you have to do is click the SAH underlined in this post or the link down on the right column on my blog. You'll not only earn $5 for doing so, but get 3% cash back. I know 3% is not much on $2.99, but if you buy for gifts or find something else you like every little bit adds up and the $5 is a nice bonus.
Also use the free shipping code: WW32600
Once you get to WomanWithIn type in tote or purse and it should pop right up for you. Oh please be careful not to click confirmation for the $10 OYNO unless you want to be enrolled in a monthly club that cost $12 a month. Even after my order was submitted it popped up and looked like I still needed to confirm my order but I didn't.
Giant Eagle 12/10-12/16
Even get those blah feelings about a grocery ad? Me too. This week it hit me especially after that crazy trip on Tuesday. As you can see I am not on the ball posting the ad and scenarios. I'm am going to just have to pick myself up by the bootstraps in the future and just post. I often forget what a fabulous deal for me may not be for you and vice versa. I still may try to post a few scenarios, but I really want to get to the great mineral make up sales and a traditional sale option too. Until then Cherry Picker does a wonderful job, her format is different which you may like better or not, lol, and then there is Saving in Akron too. I like how Saving in Akron divides her deals up into the store's departments. Thanks to those two ladies which were inspiration to me too along with the Hot Coupon World Eaglets.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Meijer Coffee and Sugar Deal!
I know I have at least one reader that shops Meijer so I wanted to make sure she knew about this deal I read by Megan. You don't even need coupons, but if you have some the deal is even better! The details are on her blog, but a little peek ahead of time is the coffee works out to as little as $.79/10-12oz can without coupons and $.29 with coupons. Plus you can roll the catalina! Now that's what I call a stockpile price and would be great for a gift basket too. I would totally buy that at $.29/can just to perk and smell since I don't drink it. LOL
I Won I Won I Won!
I won a giftcard from ShopAtHome sponsored by "Cents"able Momma! I am not one of those people that win all that often so I'm shocked and so very excited. I'm also nervous as I wait for SAH to ship it to me. lol
I hope you are signing up for a chance to win a SAH giftcard at those blogs I posted and win too!
You can sign up for ShopAtHome regardless. It works similar to Ebates which I've used in the past and earned over $20 from past purchases just by using their link to get to the merchants from whom I want to purchase. You even earn 2% back from ebay! (coupons) ;) If you sign up with SAH you can earn $5 when you make your first purchase through them and each friend that signs up using your special code earns you another $5.
Here's my link:
Lastly, I want to Thank God. I feel He is the One that ultimately blessed me with winning this giftcard. Which now brings to mind what a fellow couponer shared this past week about "God's presence is the best present." She is totally right and in time of hurt and sorrow His presents aren't as comforting as His Presence, but I am so grateful happy to receive this present. Thank You Lord in the big and small.
I hope you are signing up for a chance to win a SAH giftcard at those blogs I posted and win too!
You can sign up for ShopAtHome regardless. It works similar to Ebates which I've used in the past and earned over $20 from past purchases just by using their link to get to the merchants from whom I want to purchase. You even earn 2% back from ebay! (coupons) ;) If you sign up with SAH you can earn $5 when you make your first purchase through them and each friend that signs up using your special code earns you another $5.
Here's my link:
Lastly, I want to Thank God. I feel He is the One that ultimately blessed me with winning this giftcard. Which now brings to mind what a fellow couponer shared this past week about "God's presence is the best present." She is totally right and in time of hurt and sorrow His presents aren't as comforting as His Presence, but I am so grateful happy to receive this present. Thank You Lord in the big and small.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Giant Eagle Shopping Trip
Wow! What a afternoon and evening. I think I was in GE for a total of three hours! Some of that time was spent on waiting and letting others go ahead since I had a huge order and they wanted to do it at customer service. The store was crazy busy as many were worried about the weather to come. I just have to say I love my store. I had the best customer service people today. One has been a favorite from the first time I met her, Jennifer. She is always bubbly. Okay onto my trip. I did a total of 9 transactions at CS and one at the regular checkout. I'm going to lump all my spending and savings into one total then I'll probably post a sampling picture as there is just way too much to organize. lol
Total Value $339
Total Spent $60
Savings $279 or 82%!
80 Pouches Betty Crocker Potatoes
20 5lb Bags Domino Sugar
25 Cans of Campbell's Cream of Chicken Soup
20 12oz Bag Nestle Morsels
20 12oz Bag Nestle Morsels
8 Cans of BC Frosting
5 4pk AAA Duracell
4 Kleenex Cubes
2 BC Cookie Sheets
2 GE Frozen Pizza
2 BC Cookie Sheets
2 GE Frozen Pizza
2 Organic Milk (1/2gal)
2 Muir Glen Tomato Paste
2 Mentos Gum
1 Bunch Bananas
1 Bunch Bananas
1 Dozen Eggland's Best
1 Annie's Organic Mac n Cheese
1 Kraft American Cheese Slices 16
1 Irish Creme International Delight
1 3lb Organic Onions
1 GE Grape Jam
1 3lbs Chicken Breasts
1 Soft Family Arnold Bread
Also stopped in at Aldi's for some chicken nuggets. Quick and easy lunch and theirs is the best. I came out with a few more items. Spent about $14
2 Peppers (Red and Yellow)
2 Loaves Wheat Bread
1 2lbs Chicken Nuggets
1 2lbs Chicken Nuggets
1 Nacho Chips
1 Cheese Curls ( I should not shop when hungry!)
2 Peppers (Red and Yellow)
1 3lbs Apples
Monday, December 7, 2009
The Conservatorie Mineral Foundation
I decided to take a chance on The Conservatorie's Foundation Base and Foundation Color Blend. I bought an ounce of the Premium Base, 1 tsp Premium Plus Base and 1 tsp Warm Color Blend. I also bought some silicone gel for $1.50. So with the sale I spent under $15 including s&h for 30g of foundation. This is a great deal if you don't mind mixing your own custom shade. It comes out to $.50/g which is about a third of the cost of pre-made foundations from companies that I've previously mentioned. Bare Escentuals Minerals,you get about 9g for $25 so you'd pay $75 to get what I did for $15.
I tried the Premium Plus first. I used 1 tsp of it to 1/32 t (little tiny white scoop)of color blend. I am quite fair for reference. If you are average skintone you may need a scoop and a half. It's simple to adjust if you use the little spoon for both the base and the color and keep notes. The Premium Plus has a nice coverage and not heavy at all. The Warm Blend is quite warm so if you are a beige you might need to mix the Cool and Warm or try the Cocoa Blend. You'll want around a 10g or 20 g jar to put your tsp or two of foundation.
The Silicone Gel is to give one's skin a smooth appearance. I've tried it in the past and didn't notice a difference so I tried it again and nope no difference for me, but others love it.
The one downside to ordering from The Conservatorie is their customer service. They lack greatly in answering any questions you send via email. Very disappointing if you're in a hurry to order and not sure on the colors. I'm so used to the owners of pre-made minerals answering quickly and cheerfully.
*You can get 10 small scoops at Coastal Scents for $1.40 so if you plan to order a lot of mica samples, oxides or other ingredients be sure to order from CS. Wonderful prices and fantastic customer service. They are only lacking in the price of premade bases and I don't think they have color blends. They do offer a free formulator if you wish to make your own.
$10 Off $10 JCP + Free Shipping
There is a code out right now for $10 off $10 at JC Penney. If you order now you will pay shipping costs, but if you wait until December 17th which is free shipping day for JCP and other merchants it is highly possible you will get both! Renee Anthony at HCW was the first to mention the possibility so special thanks to her.
JCP Coupon Code NICE4U
$2 Peet's Coffee IP
I'm not a coffee drinker. I try it every couple of months or so and usually drink about half before saying bleck. lol My husband now drinks it once in awhile and it's nice to have on hand to offer to others when they visit so I'm going to try Peet's since I found this $2 IP and "Pittsburgh24" mentioned it was on sale at GE this week for $6.99. So for $4.99 I think that's an okay deal for a pound of "good" coffee. It's regular price is $9.99 which seems comparable to Millstone at Wal-Mart. I hope you can find a great deal on Peet's and I hope it tastes great, well great for coffee that is! ;)
Blog Layout
Ugh! I totally messed up my blog and totally by accident as I thought I was reviewing other blogger templates, but instead I changed it by mistake. Everything was still there since it got changed to a blogger template, until I tried switching back which was an independent template. I now have to add all my buttons, blogs I follow and then hope for the best. Now might be the time to start from scratch and just keep this one for reference of past trips. Not sure what I'll get posted for you today.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Simply Fabulous Giveaway
I was looking for a new template and came across this giveaway! It's another giveaway from AGE.
You can view a lot of different templates on Simply Fabulous Blog and there are links to custom made templates too.
You can view a lot of different templates on Simply Fabulous Blog and there are links to custom made templates too.
The Giveaway details can be found HERE!
Beautiful Flowers Gone
Well it looks like my free template has been altered. I didn't know that was possible once I entered the html unless I altered it. I don't know a lot about creating templates and just alternating the color of font or size makes my head spin when I attempt it. I guess in the meantime I will search for another template, but I hope my pages won't look too crazy during the change. Blah! I am grateful to the creator of that template. I really enjoyed the beauty of it and it fit my personality, so thank you for a beautiful blog for the past year.
$25 Visa from Hellmann's
A Giveaway Everyday has teamed up with Hellmann's and a $25 Visa giftcard is the prize. The only mandatory requirement is that you state your favorite "holiday" treat or dish.
"Cents"able Momma's Giveaway
Another Chance to win a $100 Giftcard!
Check out Luv a Bargain's Blog for details and to enter! You don't even have to have a blog to enter. This one ends December 9th at midnight.
$800 Grand Giveaway
Check out A Giveaway Everyday, AGE, for this "Grand Giveaway"! Hurry today is the last day to enter as it closes 11:59 EST.
"Grand Giveaway"
You can also click the button to your left to check out their other great giveaways, like the newest, donuts! Hope I win that one for hubby. ;)
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