I hope you are signing up for a chance to win a SAH giftcard at those blogs I posted and win too!
You can sign up for ShopAtHome regardless. It works similar to Ebates which I've used in the past and earned over $20 from past purchases just by using their link to get to the merchants from whom I want to purchase. You even earn 2% back from ebay! (coupons) ;) If you sign up with SAH you can earn $5 when you make your first purchase through them and each friend that signs up using your special code earns you another $5.
Here's my link:
Lastly, I want to Thank God. I feel He is the One that ultimately blessed me with winning this giftcard. Which now brings to mind what a fellow couponer shared this past week about "God's presence is the best present." She is totally right and in time of hurt and sorrow His presents aren't as comforting as His Presence, but I am so grateful happy to receive this present. Thank You Lord in the big and small.
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